A Little Brother to the Bear, and Other Animal Stories

A Little Brother to the Bear, and Other Animal Stories

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A Little Brother to the Bear is a collection of short stories for children with tales of woodland folk in their forest homes. Written by an American naturalist and minister, the stories are based on objective observations with a sincere respect for instincts and ingenuity of wildlife. His observations help us to understand nature and how all nature works together.

Stories include

  1. The Point of View 
  2. A Little Brother to the Bear 
  3. Whitoweek the Hermit 
  4. Woodcock Genius 
  5. When Upweekis Goes Hunting 
  6. K'Dunk the Fat One 
  7. Moween's Den 
  8. Kingfisher's Kindergarten 
  9. Pekompf's Cunning 
  10. Animal Surgery 
  11. Hunting without a Gun